Integer vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.
No: 523499
Painting - Reproduction Color print on solid wood. Skilled manual work. Size: 10.0 x 12.0 x 1.0 cm. Original author's technologies were used in production. Napoleon put his brother Joseph on the throne of Spain in 1808. Joseph was well-intentioned but hated by the Spaniards. The Duke of Wellington fought Napoleon's troops in Spain, entered Madrid in August 1812 and finally defeated the French forces in 1814. Goya's admiration for Wellington is apparent from the liveliness and sympathy of his three portraits of the Duke. This portrait was first painted after Wellington's entry into Madrid, and modified two years later after he received further honours.
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Integer vel turpis ultricies, lacinia ligula id, lobortis augue. Vivamus porttitor dui id dictum efficitur. Phasellus vel interdum elit.